Exchange 2013 mailbox migrations reporting wrong time stamp and /or timezone
Exchange 2013 mailbox migrations reporting wrong time stamp and /or timezone (Solved)
The migrationbatch showed that it started 4 hours from when it was actually started. I immediately wondered if it was normal because the time was right, but in UTC, not my timezone which is Eastern, but I distinctly recall that this should show my local time instead.
In digging I found that if in powershell I issue a get-migrationbatch | fl * it lists the various time properties, including properties specific to UTC. The interesting part though, they were one in the same. See example below.
I went and checked my dev exchange environment and it's reporting this as expected. Further if I, personally, issue a migration in production it shows as expected as well. It seems to have only happened to my customer. I even had him do another migration with the same result. I had him check his local timezone on his machine that issued the request and his timezone is set to Eastern.
I'm completely stumped as to what could cause this.
1. set-mailboxregionalconfiguration -identity -TimeZone "Your Time Zone"
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